Monday, December 20, 2010

Frequently used phone increases the risk of oral cancer.

Mobile phone users have increased risk for oral cancer. If used frequently by continuous 5-year chance of the tumor to grow to 50%.

The results of this study aroused concern that Era of communications equipment may interfere with the body in the form that researchers could not understand.
Previous research that focus on the relationship between mobile phones and cancer Conflicting results. Most did not find evidence that this equipment does cause serious risk to the health of the user.
Yet in a small study recently published in the Journal find a connection between the brain and ear cancer.
Israeli researchers have studied ways of life of patients with tumors that are not in oral cancer and 402 patients with oral cancer in 56 people compared with the control group 1,266 people.
What they found was the most frequently used mobile phones are more likely to be a salivary gland tumor in the ear of the page must be attached to the phone on a regular basis.
People who use mobile phones outside the city. Which makes equipment to try to find the signal from the nearest base station is. Risk of cancer is increased as well.
The study mainly focused on the magnetic field caused by phone signal. It is believed that the level of magnetic thin over the heat to tissue, however, researchers have thought. Magnetic field may interfere with the chemical connections between the cells. Or harm the user's DNA.
Committee on Science, the government used in many countries should continue until there is more evidence that mobile phones safe. Truly healthy.
Furthermore a similar study on the issue last year. And published in the same journal. This study of oral cancer patients in Denmark and Sweden. , There was no risk of this disease increases among mobile phone users.
However, the protest of high-tech communication devices consider the latest research from Israel, emphasizing that Mobile phones have biological effects to the user.
Out in the report from the study at 6 years of formal financial support from London to find the 'signal' of increased cancer risk. And recommended that it not to conclude that mobile phones really safe for health.

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